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Are People Who Have Been Infected With Covid-19 More Vulnerable To Infecting Monkeypox?

KOMPAS.commonkey pox or monkeypox can infect anyone of all ages.

However, there are some groups that are considered more susceptible to infection monkey pox.

The groups most at risk for monkeypox are people who live with or have a history of close contact (including sexual contact) with someone infected with monkeypox and people who have regular contact with animals that can be infected.

Covid-19 and monkey pox

Experts are still researching further about the relationship of a history of being infected with Covid-19 or post-Covid-19 with monkeypox.

Also read: 4 Ways to Prevent Transmission of Monkeypox

Quoted from Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health), currently, the World Health Organization (WHO) does not know whether the condition of Covid-19 or post-Covid-19 (long Covid) makes a person more susceptible to monkeypox.

More research is still needed on patients who have been infected with the corona virus or have long Covid conditions and are now infected with monkeypox.

For those who are currently infected with Covid-19, continue to follow the instructions of health workers.

Avoid contact with other people to prevent transmission of the virus and monitor symptoms for proper treatment.

If you think you have a long Covid condition, contact a health worker to get the treatment needed.

Also read: Beware of Monkeypox, What Impact on Pregnant and Breastfeeding Mothers?

How to prevent monkey pox

Here are some ways to prevent monkey pox transmission:

  • Limiting contact with suspected or confirmed animalpox.
  • Limit contact with animals at risk of infection.
  • Clean and disinfect potentially contaminated environments on a regular basis.
  • Check yourself and close contact if you experience symptoms of monkeypox.

In addition, some countries recommend smallpox vaccination for people at risk for monkeypox.

A vaccine previously used for smallpox has been developed so that it can be used to prevent monkeypox, but global availability is still limited.

Also read: Monkeypox Virus Keeps Mutation, How Is It Different?

Only people who are at risk, such as people who have had close contact with people with monkeypox, should be considered for vaccination. To date, mass vaccination has not been recommended.

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