A very serious study seeks to prove that we would be in better health when we live in the mountains rather than in the plains. What is the starting point of this investigation and the secrets of the mountain people?
Marthe, 83, and Fernande, 84, are never sick. They share with us the secrets of their shape, the mountain paths they have walked from very young. Living between 1000 and 2000 meters of altitude would be beneficial for health. The risks of vascular accidents, respiratory disease and obesity would be reduced. Researchers from the University of Grenoble have also observed it.
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In Hauteluce (Savoie), 1,200 meters, no need for long studies to be convinced. “The mountain conditions mean that we find plenty of things in their natural state. So we nibble on raspberries, blueberries, whatever nature gives us back,” said a Hautelucien.
In a doctor’s office, people praise the merits of the mountain diet, of daily walking. What if it even became a tourist attraction? Researchers will also try to determine if spending their vacations at altitude would be good for our health. Frédéric Boulanger believes in it. “Come to the mountains, there is no pollution, there is no car,” he explained.
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