From Borderlands franchise has been around for quite some years now. In 2009, the very first Borderlands game made by Gearbox was released by 2K Games. And now, twelve years later, the franchise is one of the most famous looter shooters. When the announcement came that Gearbox Software had been taken over by the Swedes from the Embracer Group, it was the ideal time for JJ to research the potential of this series and its developer together with Daan. In other words, are Gearbox and the Borderlands franchise worth $ 1.3 billion?
Nice shooting with millions of weapons
The Borderlands series is one of the kings of looter shooters. With millions of weapons per game, you, as a player, will not easily get bored. With unique perks and attachments, no weapon promises to feel the same. Even though the story at Borderlands is not always that strong, you cannot deny that the loot part and the action in this series are very cool. And now that the makers of Borderlands, Gearbox, have been bought by the Embracer Group, we wonder what they will do with the franchise? Because, and Daan and JJ show that, Borderlands is really the cork on which Randy Pitchford’s company is floating at the moment.
One Trick Pony?
Although the Borderlands franchise is considered one of the better looter shooters, that doesn’t mean that the reputation of the maker is always very good. For example, Gearbox has been responsible for titles such as Duke Nukem Forever, Aliens Colonial Marines and Battleborn. Titles that were not really praised by both the critics and the gamers themselves. So what’s Embracer Group up to with Gearbox? The developer has proven to be particularly strong in making Borderlands games over the past few years, but seems to be slipping when it comes to other games. What do JJ and Daan think? You can find out by pressing the Play button.