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Are 10,000 steps a day really necessary to lose weight?

Walking is one of the simplest sports there can be. It is cheap, it can be done anywhere and with any material, and it is suitable for all ages. If you are very active, it will come in handy for the days of not active exercise. If you are sedentary, it will help you to set healthy lows for your body in general.

¿Why does the figure of 10,000 steps arise? For a mere translation from decades ago. The idea came from a Japanese marketing campaign in the mid-1960s. The objective was to generate expectation from 1964 Tokyo Olympics. The Japanese company Yamasa designed the first wearable pedometer called ‘manpo-kei’, which means “10,000 step meters”. There was no research behind this number; the company simply chose the figure as indicative of a healthy lifestyle.

And to this day, it remains like this, a basic, simple rule to move a minimum, 10 thousand steps to be in shape. 10,000 steps to start playing sports, 10,000 steps to recover from injuries, 10,000 steps to advance in physical improvement to implement other routines.

Is 10,000 steps enough or should I take more?

  • If you take less than 5,000 steps a day, you are sedentary or inactive.
  • If you give between 5,000 and 7,499, you have an inactive lifestyle.
  • You are something active if you walk between 7,500 and 9,999 steps daily
  • You’re active, if you take more than 10,000 steps a day.

In case you have doubts, we tell you some of the benefits of walking:

  • increased bone density
  • fight obesity
  • improves cardiovascular health
  • beneficial for mental well-being
  • general fitness improvement
  • strengthens joints

And the million dollar question,you lose weight when walking? Yes, it depends on the pace, intensity, consistency, if you add weights … And, above all, if you adopt a healthier diet combining physical activity. Nowadays, in addition, physical exercise is part of the new health programs in many countries, “prescribing exercise can be as important as prescribing medication, perhaps even more important in some cases, “says the American College of Sports Medicine, which has a initiative “Exercise is medicine” to help physicians integrate exercise recommendations into their treatment plans, especially in a country with very high obesity rates.

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