00:00 It works like this: they gather at Palazzo Chigi and around one in the morning they decide what we should do the next day. Not just about school, but about everything.
05:00 Also in the UK there is a lockdown. But at least there you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. With us, however, Arches writes “letters” to the newspapers. Talk less and work more.
07:50 Count in the balance? go and understand: I last night with Renzi “soap” I did not get it. Here are the hypotheses.
11:10 The war of the seats, while the country falls. If the Woods entered the executive, what would he say Labor? To laugh …
12:52 Vaccines at a slow pace: only Repubblica talks about it. Meanwhile, the Lombardy affair is very serious. In this case, the Council is indefensible.
14:20 Also Salvini writes a letter (against the blocking of evictions). Meanwhile, there are no decrees implementing the bonuses. What scoundrels!
15:15 Cancel culture, three demeaning episodes: the Odyssey is no longer taught in the Massachusetts high schools; a fool, instead of Amen, says Awomen; Gnocchi tells us about Grease, targeted by the Meetoo.
17:34 Merger (old) Fiat and Peugeot: a significant operation in the general disinterest.