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Aragon lifts the confinement of the cities of Zaragoza, Huesca and Teruel and maintains that of the provinces | Radio Zaragoza

Aragon does not consider a quick opening strategy but it has been decided promote mobility within the three provinces and the perimeter confinement of the autonomous community is maintained. It was just announced by the Minister of Health, Sira Repollés, at a press conference in which the health officials of the Government of Aragon are updating the situation of the pandemic in the autonomous community. It is given by insurance there will be a fourth wave of infections in January.

The rest of restrictive measures remain as up to now because Aragon It keeps being at high risk. About whether I know will make flexible some measures for the Christmas holidays, the decision will be made in the next few weeks and it will depend on the evolution of epidemiological data.

UCIS and cumulative incidence still at risk

As of Monday, November 30, the perimeter confinement of the three provincial capitals is lifted but provincial and autonomous confinements are maintained.

Even though some parameters have decreased, like the positivity rate, located around 9% and also the cumulative incidence, Aragon continues to be in a “high risk situation” and the UCIS has an occupancy greater than 41%, has pointed out Sira Repollés. Besides, the average stay in intensive care is 19 days, so there are still several weeks of strong pressure in these units (currently, 98).

Aragon has reduced the incidence of COVID ー 19 by 70% from the pico registered to the end of October. Thus, Repollés has reported that at this time the cumulative incidence at seven days is less than 180 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the Community and below 500 cases at 14 days, and there are even cities with more than 10,000 inhabitants with rates of 75 and lower. There are fewer community infections and hospitalizations both conventional and in ICU, but “we continue,” he said, in a situation of very high risk.

“We are aware of Constitution Bridge and of the Christmas” but “We are not considering a quick opening strategy”, The Minister of Health has remarked. In the short term, the Government of Aragon will begin meetings with the sectors most affected by the restrictions, What hostelry, O culture.

Vaccine administration

On vaccination, the first doses will arrive in January and their administration will be carried out from primary care. It will be the outpatient clinics who will cite. First you will be vaccinated at people in residences and then those over 80 years of age and people with chronic diseases will be vaccinated, third to over 65 and essential professionals and finally the rest of the population.

Cabbage has guaranteed that there will be enough vaccines and that they will be safe, “at least at the same levels as any of those commonly used.”

The Director of Public Health, Francisco Javier Falo, has warned, however, that the administration of vaccines will require more commitment and effort, in addition to the fact that effect “will not be noticed until at least one month has elapsed”, which calculates that will be produced at the end of February or March.

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