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Arachamiya spoke rudely about Dubinsky

The head of the parliamentary faction “Servant of the People” David Arahamia said that expelled from the party CH People’s Deputy Alexander Dubinsky is to blame for the imposition of sanctions against him.

The politician spoke about this on Thursday, March 18, during a conversation with journalists at the walls of the Verkhovna Rada.

“I do not understand his non-constructive position. When he begins to pour out his emotions and resentments on everyone around, not thinking, first of all, that he is to blame. Because he spoke publicly, sent some letters to the US Congress,” he said Arachamia.

The deputy added that he has nothing to share with Dubinsky, and he does not bother him and speaks only the truth.

“If you are to blame, then you have to throw ashes on your head and re-earn the credit of trust, both from your colleagues and from voters. And if you run around and swear with everyone like an offended cat, then this is your strategy,” he said. Arachamia.

He also added that Dubinsky may soon calm down and he will have a reassessment of what happened. But at the same time, Arahamia ruled out that Dubinsky would return to SN.

Recall that earlier Dubinsky accused The office of the president in an attempt to interfere in the affairs of the United States, for which sanctions were imposed against him.

In his video message, he said, allegedly in the OP, he was asked to participate in a press conference with People’s Deputy Andriy Derkach and initiate the creation of an interim commission of inquiry of the Verkhovna Rada. However, according to Dubinsky, after his refusal, Arakhamia organized the registration of the commission of inquiry and even carried it through the Rada’s regulatory committee.

“Arachamia squeezed something out of himself about the ‘mink’ and someone wrote something there somewhere. So I want to say that Arachamia is the very rat that is trying to cover up its tracks. Why? Because exactly he, and this is recorded on the website of the Verkhovna Rada and the corresponding letters, collected and selected people for the commission of inquiry on the published films of Derkach. Since I refused to do this, “- said the People’s Deputy.

As reported OBOZREVATEL, The United States imposed sanctions against Ukrainian citizens, including People’s Deputy Alexander Dubinsky.

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