Aracely Arambula defended Luis Miguel of the criticisms he received that he did not rule on the death of Andres Garciawhom he considered as a second father, despite the legal dispute they have for the support of their children.
“Luis Miguel is very hurt by the death of Andrés García, because he loves him very much and, as a human being, of course it hurts him,” said Aracely.
And he said that surely the father of his children will communicate later with Margarita Portillo, widow of Andres Garcia to give her condolences, because between them there was a very special affection.
“Don Andrés was a very dear person to everyone, we are all very dismayed, and well, many could not come because he left here in Acapulco and not all the people could come.”
Aracely Arámbula defends Luis Miguel for attacks after the death of Andrés García: “It hurts him a lot”
The actress and singer was one of the celebrities who attended the actor’s funeral in Acapulco. There she defended Luis Miguel for the attacks he received after the death of Andres Garcia for not going to fire him, despite how important it was in his life, because it opened the doors for him in the artistic environment.
“It is not a bad thank you. Surely he will send a message to Margarita. He must have hurt in her soul. I come from me, from my heart, and I know the affection that all the people who cannot be here at this moment have for him,” said Aracely Arámbula.