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Arab business magnate Saeed Abdullah Al Khatal Al Muhairi has died

Gone is a model personality in human love and business


First Published August 24, 2024, 8:30 PM IST | Last Updated August 24, 2024, 8:30 PM IST

Dubai: Arab business leader Saeed Abdullah Al Khatal Al Muhairi (62) passed away. An exemplary character both to natives and foreigners is gone by his unfailing philanthropy and brilliant industry. Al Aweer was the main supervisor of several trading chains based around the market. He played an important role in bringing the country’s indigenous farmers’ products to the mainstream market and led many humanitarian activities within and outside the country. Syed Abdullah Al Khatal, who was ill, died last day.

His contribution in empowering indigenous farmers was immense and his excellence in creating a large market to connect UAE farmers with consumers is commendable. It is the main chain that brings agricultural products of local farmers to the market even today. native

It streamlined the supply chain for local agricultural produce and ensured that fruit and vegetables produced by local farmers are efficiently distributed across the UAE. This has greatly boosted the local agricultural industry and empowered the indigenous farmers. His business acumen and commitment to community welfare made him a leader in the field. The late Saeed Abdullah Al Khatal was a very worthy man of the rulers of the country

He and his father Abdullah Ahmad Al Khatal were instrumental in raising the hands of AAK International Group, a prominent presence in Malayalee in the field of fruit and vegetable trading. Parappuram Bawa Haji, a leading philanthropist and businessman, was a major factor in the promotion of the fruit and vegetable industry with his openness and helpfulness. CEO Mohammadali and MD AK Mustafa said that Saeed Abdullah Al Qatal was a dear brother and supporter who stood with us in the growth of their business.

Charitable activities

In addition to his achievements in business, Saeed Abdullah Al Qattal was also active in the field of philanthropy. His philanthropic reach extends beyond the UAE. Syed Abdullah led the construction of many mosques and aid centers in different countries. He was also a man who throughout his life showed compassion to help the poor.

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#Arab #business #magnate #Saeed #Abdullah #Khatal #Muhairi #died
2024-08-24 15:00:53

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