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April 7, 2024: what is today’s holiday and memorable events of this day

What a holiday on April 7

Today, Ukraine celebrates Geologist’s Day. Every year, the holiday falls on the first Sunday of April.

Today is also World Health Day and International Day of Remembrance of the Rwandan Genocide.

Slovenia celebrates Flag Day, in Rwanda — Day of Remembrance of Genocide Victims, v Belgium — Veterans Day, Armenia celebrate Motherhood and Beauty Day, Tanzania marks the Day of Sheikh Abeid Amani Karume, y Mozambique Women’s Day.

And USA — National Beer Day. It is celebrated on the anniversary of the enactment of the Cullen-Harrison Act of 1933. He legalized the sale of beer with an alcohol content of 3.2%. US President Theodore Roosevelt, when signing the law, said: “I think now is the time to drink beer.”

What a religious holiday April 7 is

According to the new church calendar today the Orthodox Church honors the memory Saints George and Daniel.

George chose the life of a monk for himself, suffered from the persecution of Christians. When he became a metropolitan, according to legend, he healed people with prayer and performed various other miracles. At the end of his life, George was exiled to live in Chersonesus, where he died.

And Daniil devoted himself to the feat of love for his neighbors: he buried the homeless, the poor, the familyless. The monk founded a monastery on the site of the cemetery.

According to the old church calendar today – Annunciation of the Holy Mother of God. It is dedicated to the good news that the Virgin Mary received from the Archangel Gabriel that she would conceive immaculately from the Holy Spirit and give birth to the Son of God.

In Orthodoxy, the Annunciation is the third most important holiday after Easter and Christmas. It is always celebrated nine months before Christmas. Previously, it fell on April 7, and according to the new calendar – on March 25

Angel’s Day, April 7

Name days according to the new calendar Arkady, George, Danylo, Evdokia and Peter are celebrating today.

Name days according to the old calendar note Sava and Tikhon.

What historical events happened on April 7

1348 – Charles University was founded in Prague – the first in Central Europe.

1738 – Pope Clement XII in a special bull accused the Freemasons of hypocrisy, heresy and perversion and threatened them with excommunication.

1795 – the metric system and the decimal monetary system were introduced in France.

1906 – the eruption of Mount Vesuvius devastated Naples.

1939 – Fascist Italy attacked Albania.

1948 — the charter of the World Health Organization (WHO) came into force.

1957 – the last trolleybus of New York made its last trip.

1963 – Yugoslavia was declared a socialist republic.

1969 is the symbolic birth date of the Internet.

1989 – the Soviet nuclear submarine “Komsomolets” sank as a result of a fire – 42 of the 68 crew members died.

2003 – American troops occupied the capital of Iraq, Baghdad.

Who was born on April 7

1506 – Francis Xavier, Catholic saint, missionary.

1770 – William Wordsworth, English poet.

1889 – Gabriela Mistral, Chilean poet, laureate of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1945.

1893 – Allen Dulles, American statesman, director of the CIA (1953-1961).

1915 – Billie Holiday, American jazz singer.

1930 – Yves Rocher, French entrepreneur, founder of the Yves Rocher corporation.

1938 – Freddie Hubbard, American jazz musician.

1939 – Francis Ford Coppola, American film director.

1954 – Jackie Chan, American film actor.

1964 – Russell Crowe, Australian actor.

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