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April 27 – Lazarus Saturday: customs, omens and prohibitions of the day — Radio TREK

Saturday, April 27, 2024 06:00

Lazarus Saturday is celebrated in the sixth week of Great Lent

History of the holiday

Lazarus Saturday is a special day for believers, when in the church they remember one of the most important miracles performed by Jesus Christ.

Saint Lazarus lived with his sisters Martha and Mary in the village of Bethany near Jerusalem. Jesus Christ called righteous Lazarus his friend.

Once Lazar became very ill and the Savior received news about it. Christ immediately left for Bethany, but Lazarus could not wait for his friend and died.

Four days after the death of Lazarus, Jesus called out: “Lazarus! Go away”. The deceased Lazarus was resurrected and came out of the cave, wrapped in funeral ribbons.

After his resurrection, Saint Lazarus lived another 30 years – he was a bishop in Cyprus and preached Christianity.

Traditions of Lazarus Saturday

In churches, during the service on Lazarus Saturday, priests dress in white robes.

Since this holiday falls on the period of Great Lent, it is not celebrated solemnly and cheerfully. However, there is a relaxation of the severity of fasting, for example, it is allowed to use fish roe, oil and red wine.

The Orthodox have long prepared treats on this day – thin pancakes and pies.

Also, it was on Lazarus Saturday that people went to collect willow branches in order to consecrate them in the church early in the morning on Palm Sunday.

What prayers are read on Lazarus Saturday

In prayers on Lazarus Saturday, they ask God to help them in difficult situations, they pray for the preservation of health, preservation from premature death. On this day, a prayer uttered from the heart will bring real miracles.

And they also pray in front of the “Resurrection of Lazarus” icon.

Believers pray in front of this icon to ask for forgiveness for their unworthy deeds, to ask for healing of ailments of the soul and body. This icon protects against evil, helps to overcome terrible difficulties.

What can’t be done on Lazarus Saturday

Lazarus Saturday is a special day on which you cannot do hard work. This is a great sin.

Alcoholic beverages are also not allowed (the only exception is wine, which is allowed in small quantities). You can’t eat fast food, trample food crumbs that have fallen on the floor with your feet.

As for leisure, it is strictly forbidden to hunt, celebrate celebrations, including weddings and birthdays, sing and dance.

Housework should be postponed to another day, as it is forbidden to engage in needlework, work in the garden, construction, washing, ironing, washing and cleaning.

You cannot ask for material things in prayers, otherwise God will be angry.

Signs of Lazarus Saturday

  • If the hedgehogs and snakes got out of their holes on Saturday, there will be no more cold weather.
  • If you consecrate peas and seeds in the church, they will sprout early and there will be a good harvest.
  • If there are many earrings on the willow tree, the year will be joyful and happy, and the harvest will be great.

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