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Approximately 50% of workers bring their meals to the workplace at least once a week.

In “Charles Matin” this Friday on RMC and RMC Story, Emmanuel Lechypre looks at a study on meals at work, which shows that nearly one in two employees brings food at least once a week.

Today, 48% of employees bring their meal to work at least once a week, compared to 31% in 2021, according to the Speak Snacking survey. So almost one out of two. And if we are to believe another survey carried out by Credoc, in Ile-de-France, it is one in four French people who come to work every day with their bowl.

The formula of bowls at work appeals a little more to women (52%) than to men, and a little more to 25-34 year olds (56%). Over the years, this is a number that continues to increase. For what reasons?

Telework, one of the explanations

First there was the growing distrust of prepared meals (mad cow disease in the 1990s, horse meat in lasagna in 2013). Then the concern to eat a healthier cuisine than the snacking that often made up lunches.

Then there was the pandemic, the rise of telecommuting, working two days a week in the office in many companies. When you come back to the office, you don’t necessarily have all of your colleagues, with whom you used to have lunch. Bowls consumed in the workplace or next to the office have also become possible with the provision of microwaves in companies.

And finally, inflation. Two-thirds of bowlers at work do so to control their budget, according to the Speak Snacking survey.

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