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Approved the Universal Accessibility Operational Plan that includes 100 measures for 2022

The Government of Navarra has adopted, in its session today, an agreement approving the Universal Accessibility Operational Plan for 2022 , which includes 43 lines of action or changes that are articulated in 100 specific measures that represent a investment of more than 17,000,000 euros for this exercise.

The Universal Accessibility plan is the expression of the firm commitment of the Government of Navarra with the achievement of the objectives and challenges defined in the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and, more specifically, in Provincial Law 12/2018 of 14 of June of Universal Accessibility, also giving continuity to an annual operational planning process started in 2021.

The Minister of the Presidency, Equality, Public Function and Interior, Javier Remirez, has highlighted “the importance of accessibility to the physical, social, economic and cultural environment, to health, to education and to information and communications, so that people with disabilities can live independently and participate fully in all life aspects”. Counselor Remirez has highlighted that “the absence of accessibility prevents the exercise of said rights and freedoms. Universal Accessibility is a key right, without which other rights cannot be developed and exercised”.-

The Provincial Law of Universal Accessibility Its purpose is to establish the necessary conditions to guarantee equal opportunities, the promotion of personal autonomy, inclusion in the community and independent living for all people and, in particular, for people with disabilities. It conceives accessibility as necessary not only for people with disabilities, but for all people who can benefit from it throughout the different stages of life.

In this way, the 2022 Universal Accessibility Operational Plan specifies, from an operational point of view, how it intends to move forward, joining forces and generating synergies, in a firm commitment to interdepartmental work.

The 2022 Plan comes to give continuity to an annual operational planning process that began in 2021 through the General Directorate of the Presidency and Open Government of the Department of the Presidency, Equality, Civil Service and the Interior.

The 2022 Plan is the second Action Plan promoted by the Provincial Executive in this matter and has been drawn up by the Directorate General for the Presidency and Open Government. It includes 18% more measures to be developed than last year, and has an investment of 17,300,000 euros, 63% more than in 2021, the year in which this figure reached 10 million euros.

Concrete planning to promote change

The operational planning focuses on those actions that contribute to the changes identified, without prejudice to the fact that the different Departments continue with the development of the usual actions. Among other actions, measures to guarantee that the web pages and apps of the Government of Navarra are 100% accessible and that institutional advertising is also accessible in its different media.

Likewise, measures are contemplated so that the citizen attention offices are 100% accessible both in Pamplona and Tudela, a guide will be drawn up to include the vision of disability in all public policies with measures to raise awareness and will be trained Administration staff on accessibility.

In matters such as Equality, it includes training on “Disability and Violence against Women” aimed at professionals from INAI’s specialized resources, in order to consolidate and adapt a series of good practices in care for people with disabilities in specialized care resources for victims of violence against women.

In addition, measures are contemplated to improve accessibility and bring cultural and tourist heritage closer to all people, implementing improvements for access to theatrical performances or exhibitions, among others.

Among other measures, it also highlights the implementation of a system for resolving complaints and claims in this area.

41% more participation by the 13 departments

This maintains its transversal nature, having participated in its elaboration thirteen departments of the Government of Navarra, through which a total of 25 general directorates, autonomous bodies and general technical secretariats have proposed measures; 41% more than the previous year, which was 17.

Participated elaboration has been completed with the intervention of external entities that are part of the Council for the promotion of Universal Accessibility and Equal Opportunities for all people. Specifically, these entities are: CERMIN, AENOR, AIN, ATANA and the Irache Consumers Association.

As well as through a public exhibition of the draft Plan open to all citizens and a last one restricted, through a participatory workshop with people with disabilities and professionals. In addition, the staff of the General Directorate of the Observatory of Social Reality, Planning and Evaluation of Social Policies of the Department of Social Rights have collaborated in its design.

The Universal Accessibility 2022 operational plan has an evaluation-oriented monitoring system, understood as a set of elements that allow the systematic collection of information to be implemented through a battery of indicators and their corresponding sources of information, which they are available to the technical units in charge of their management.

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