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Approval to donate land from Soledad General Hospital to Insabi

San Luis Potosí, SLP.- The State Finance Commission of the LXIII Legislature, unanimously approved to authorize the Health Services of San Luis Potosí, the donation of a property of their property, specifically where the General Hospital is built de Soledad de Graciano Sánchez, in favor of the Institute of Health for Well-being, which has an area of ​​28,018.80 square meters, registered in the State Registry and Cadastral Institute.

In addition, the deputies agreed that the approval of said request for the donation of the property will allow the generation of greater legal certainty for the general hospital, which already operates in favor of the population of Soledad de Graciano Sánchez.

Article 2 was established in the opinion. That the property that is the object of the donation must be used exclusively to continue the operation of a hospital, guaranteeing the free provision of health services, medicines and other associated supplies for people without social security.

In addition, under the terms provided in Title Third Bis of the General Health Law; If the donee varies the use and destination of the property or transfers possession or property to a third party by any means, the ownership thereof will revert to the Health Services of San Luis Potosí, with the conditions and improvements that case I get to have

In its Article 3º. It was detailed that the donee will have a period of six months to complete the deed process, counted from the entry into force of this Decree; In the event that the donee does not comply with the term stipulated in this Article, the property will revert to the Health Services of San Luis Potosí. While in its Article 4º. This decree does not exempt the beneficiary to obtain the permits and licenses required by the municipal authority.

With regard to Article 5. The Health Services of San Luis Potosí are authorized to agree on the conditions it deems necessary in the corresponding donation contract under the terms of the law.

It was held in a working session chaired by the president of the State Finance Commission, deputy Roberto Ulises Mendoza Padrón, as well as the deputy vice-president Liliana Guadalupe Flores Almazán, deputy secretary Héctor Mauricio Ramírez Konishi, and the members; deputy Dolores Eliza García Román, Cuauhtli Fernando Badillo Moreno, Emma Idalia Saldaña Guerrero, and Rene Oyarvide Ibarra, where the opinion that will be referred to the Plenary of the Legislative Power for analysis and approval, if applicable, was discussed and approved.

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