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Approval of €8.4 Million Funeral Home and Crematorium Project in Thionville

On the occasion of the last meeting of the municipal council, the project to create the city’s new funeral home and crematorium was approved by elected officials. The cost of the operation amounts to 8.4 million euros, with commissioning expected in December 2025.

OM – Today at 06:00

It was Pierre Alix, deputy for civil status, marriages and services to the population, who presented the project for a new funeral center, “made necessary by 40 years of service from the current funeral center. » Pierre Alix points out “cramped lounges, which no longer meet current reception or contemplation needs, a ceremony room that is too small or even a cremation room that is running out of steam. » No pun intended.

On the contrary, the surface area of ​​the new plot will extend over 4,890 square meters, which will be located on Chemin des Déportés et Résistants, to the left of the entrance to the cemetery, on the current location of the Transdev depot, at the rear of the municipal nursery.

The building itself will be 2,200 square meters. “It will include two ceremony rooms, one for 200 people and another for 70, compared to currently 80 places,” explains Pierre Alix.

The structure will also include 12 presentation rooms: ten of 25 square meters and two of 30 square meters compared to 10 currently of 12 square meters.

Commissioning expected in December 2025

Finally, for the crematorium part, three new generation cremation ovens are planned. The funeral center will be able to integrate all of the coffins, which is not currently the case.

Cost of the operation: 8.4 million euros. The submission of building permits and the environmental study is expected by the end of November 2023. The anticipated start of construction work is planned for July 2024 with expected commissioning in December 2025.

“What cost for families? »

“Do we know the cost this will have for families? », asks Manon Pelicori (EELV). “Since we will have more luxurious services, can we ensure that this will remain within the reach of all Thionvillois? »

Response from Pierre Alix: “Today, we are very far from the prices of other funeral centers in the Grand Est region. Of course, there will be a change in prices to enable the financing of this structure but despite this, we will always remain below the prices charged elsewhere. »

“A magnificent turning point”

For Mayor Pierre Cuny, “this is a magnificent turning point, a project that we have had for a long time and which we owe not only to Thionvillois but to Mosellans and even beyond, since we regularly receive requests for cremation from ‘Germany. » The municipal council, unanimously, approved this construction program for the new funeral center.

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