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Appreciation and respect for Koen Schuiling who is going to step down as mayor: “People are between shock and dismay”

News that no one saw coming. That is the reaction of various politicians from the Groningen city council to the announced departure of mayor Koen Schuiling (VVD). At the same time, all reactions are full of appreciation for the way in which Schuiling has fulfilled his function.

The party leaders of the political parties were informed of the news on Wednesday morning by the mayor himself. Jeffry van Hoorn of GroenLinks: “I did not see this news coming. I am very shocked. The announced departure is a great loss for the municipality. For us as politicians, but also for the residents. In recent years I have come to know Mr Schuiling as a committed and approachable mayor who is always on 120 percent 24/7. He also breathes Groningen.”

Koen Schuiling
Schuiling was born on 1 February 1959 in Rotterdam. Because of his father’s work, he grew up in Deventer, Groningen and Raalte. From 1978 to 1984 he studied Law and Public Administration at the University of Groningen. He then became a research assistant and university lecturer at the Department of Administrative Law and Public Administration at the RUG. From 1994 to 1998 he was a member of the Groningen municipal council, the last years as chairman of the VVD faction. He was then an alderman until 2006. In 2010, Schuiling left for Den Helder to be mayor until 2019. In the summer of 2019 he was appointed mayor of Groningen, succeeding Peter den Oudsten (PvdA).

Jeffry van Hoorn (GroenLinks): “He has managed various subjects under bizarrely difficult circumstances”
According to Van Hoorn, the circumstances for Schuiling were not easy. “After his installation, Groningen quickly became gripped by the corona epidemic. But also think of the parliamentary inquiry committee followed by Nij Begun and Ter Apel and the reception crisis. These are all subjects that he managed under bizarrely difficult circumstances. And if you do that his way, with his involvement, then it may ask more of you than you can handle. And he himself now says that in the letter in which he announces his departure, that he cannot deliver more than what he would actually like.”

“People are between shock and despair”
The atmosphere at the City Hall on this Wednesday is special: “When you walk around and talk to people, they are somewhere between shock and dismay. The news has only just been announced, but everyone is very surprised and disappointed. Schuiling is doing very well, he is a popular mayor. He is very popular. Nobody expected this, and certainly not at such short notice.”

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Schuiling spoke last summer about the importance of the Indies commemoration. Photo: Rieks Oijnhausen Schuiling (l) and CvdK René Paas (CDA) at the commemoration in the Liberation Forest last year. Photo: Rieks Oijnhausen

Ecco van Oosterhout (political reporter): “He had a harder time than we anticipated”
Schuiling is laying down his official chain a year before his term of office expires. How special is that? And in what perspective should we see it? Ecco van Oosterhout is the political reporter for EYE: “I think he had a harder time than we had anticipated. Personally, I expected him not to run for a second term. It is a very tough job. The corona crisis, for example. That came at a time when he had not yet fully settled in. That period was very tough for him, especially because he had decided to move into the municipality to get to know the residents. But that became very difficult. Then came the asylum crisis and Nij Begun.”

“If you announce that you are leaving, you are actually already gone”
Van Oosterhout does not find it strange that the farewell will be in six weeks: “When you announce that you are leaving, you are actually already gone. It is true that there is usually more time in between. The mayor then remains in office until a successor has been found. Schuiling is not going to wait for that. The fact that he is choosing to do this strengthens my idea that he has had a harder time than we think. I think Schuiling was also a mayor who did not have much time for the real mayoral things in recent years. He loved the activities with children. You could see that. But there were always those heavy and complicated files that were waiting. The past few weeks were recess. That is the moment when you start thinking, when you start talking to your loved ones. So the timing of this news is not strange. It is remarkable.”

“If you can help, you should help”
According to Van Oosterhout, Schuiling is a mayor who is on the left side of the VVD. “Before his installation as mayor in Groningen, he called for an opinion piece in the NRC Mark Rutte not to deny the liberal principles. Schuiling is a true liberal. He is of the caliber that if you can help, you should help. That is why the asylum crisis is so hard for him. In Groningen, a lot is being done, but in other municipalities and safety regions, people are not running so hard to offer a helping hand. The division in his own party on this subject also affects him a lot.”

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Ietje Jacobs-Setz (VVD): “I thought, this can’t be true”
Ietje Jacobs-Setz is the party leader of the VVD: “The news is very sad. For the city council, for the board, but also for all residents. With Schuiling we have a very good mayor. When I heard the news this morning, I thought, this can’t be true. But I also know Schuiling well enough that he doesn’t joke about this. I didn’t see this coming. Everything he has done in recent years, he did with dedication and passion. We have been able to enjoy that for five years. He has always said, if I can’t do it anymore, then I have to stop. And he is now making that decision out of love for Groningen.”

“Big executive versus mayor”
The VVD politician says she respects Schuiling’s decision: “What characterizes him is that he was there for everyone. He is a mayor but also a great administrator. He has been very important for Ter Apel and Nij Begun. But in the meantime he is also there for residents who are in misery. If something serious happened in the municipality, he was there.”

Jalt de Haan (CDA): “I would like to thank him very much”
Jalt de Haan of the CDA: “I have a lot of respect for the decision that Schuiling has made. The situation in Ter Apel and the consequences of the gas extraction have asked a lot of him. I want to thank him very much for everything he has done for the city and the surrounding area. It is unbelievable how much time and energy he has put into this.”

Jim Lo-A-Njoe (D66): “A deep bow”
Jim Lo-A-Njoe of D66: “My respect and pride for our mayor was already great. But after reading the letter in which he announces his departure, it has become enormous. A pure sang mayor who bases his choices on what he considers best for the city, the residents and Groningen in its entirety. A deep bow and great thanks.”

Shelter at the lighting of the Liberation Fire. Photo: Rieks Oijnhausen The ringing of the bells during Groningen’s Relief. Photo: Rieks Oijnhausen And the mayor also turned out to be a master at baking pancakes. Photo: Rieks Oijnhausen

Leendert van der Laan (Party for the North): “It is a very tough job”
Being mayor of one of the largest municipalities in the country demands a lot. Leendert van der Laan of the Party for the North also mentions this: “When you read the letter in which the mayor announces the news, I see recognition. It is a very tough job. After his installation, extra files were added. Corona, the gas file, the safety issues and Ter Apel. At the same time, Schuiling is extremely consistent. I have never seen him fall out of his role in recent years. Schuiling is mayor seven days a week, 24 hours a day. That requires a lot of stamina.”

“During the recess you will recap”
That the news is being announced today is no surprise to Van der Laan: “The political year starts this week. We had recess for the past six weeks. I can imagine that such a recess is precisely the moment to recapitulate. In addition, there are municipal elections in just over a year and a half. You don’t want to put your stamp on that. Schuiling has chosen his own health, but has also acted in the interest of the municipality. That deserves all respect.”

“A lot has been asked of Schuiling”
When asked whether the announcement and farewell do not follow each other very quickly, Van der Laan says: “There are six weeks in between, so yes, it goes very quickly. But that does mean you say goodbye fully in your role. I cannot identify with his agenda, but the romantic image of mayors cutting ribbons and congratulating centenarians does not apply to Schuiling at all. A lot has been asked of him, almost bordering on the inhuman. We have had a very fine mayor in Schuiling. Also a good chairman during council meetings. Sometimes perhaps a bit too strict.”

Rico Tjepkema (PvdA): “We will miss this mayor”
The faction of Stadspartij 100% for Groningen states: “We find it very unfortunate, but understandable that Schuiling has made this decision. We want to thank him for all his efforts for our residents, municipality and region.” Rico Tjepkema of the PvdA: “With Schuiling’s departure, we lose a true mayor who fought with tireless dedication for the City and the surrounding area. The departure is unexpected, but with all understanding and respect. We will miss this mayor.”

Party for the Animals: “He took his role very seriously”
The Party for the Animals faction is shocked by the news: “We have experienced the collaboration with him as mayor as pleasant”, the party states. “He was always approachable and dedicated in his role as mayor and involved as a person. We greatly appreciate all the time, effort and energy he has put into important matters, such as the asylum crisis, the corona crisis, the (farmers) protests and of course the earthquake dossier. He took his role as mayor very seriously and managed to stand up for Groningen and Groningen residents at a national level. He took us seriously as a party and can muster sympathy for our fight for animals and nature. Within the municipality and within the region, he has been the face of a number of important steps, such as ending gas extraction and apologizing for Groningen’s role in the slavery past. We fully understand this extremely difficult choice he has had to make after these demanding years for him as mayor and chairman of the Groningen safety region. We wish Koen Schuiling all the best.”

Schuiling will leave on October 23. King’s Commissioner René Paas (CDA) will inquire with the municipal council whether there is a need for an acting mayor. In the meantime, the municipal council will start working on drawing up a profile description that the new mayor must meet. You can call this a kind of vacancy text. After that, applications can be submitted. A confidential committee will be elected from the council that will conduct the job interviews. Ultimately, two candidates will be put forward, with the municipal council members secretly deciding who will be the new mayor.

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