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Appointment of a new director of the Grenoble EM PGE

The new director of the Grande École Program of Grenoble EM was appointed this Friday, June 10. This is Annelaure Oudinot. She will take up her duties from July 1, 2022 and will replace Béatrice Nerson.

Who is Annelaure Oudino, new director of the Grenoble EM PGE?

Annelaure Oudinot has over twenty years’ experience in the world of higher education. A graduate of EM Strasbourg with a master’s degree in marketing and communication, she began her professional career in the culture and tourism sectors, as Communication Officer at the Opéra National du Rhin for a period of four years. Following this experience, in 2002 she joined Grenoble Ecole de Management as press officer in charge of Rankings for seven years. With her knowledge of the media and the world of Grandes Ecoles, she took over as head of the public relations division of GEM for three years, expanding her action towards international press relations and the promotion of academic research. In June 2012, she was appointed brand, digital and communication director of the Grenoble school of management for a period of ten years.

Annelaure Oudinot is also a member of the Executive Committee, she manages a multicultural team of 23 people covering a very wide scope of missions, including: brand communication, international communication, product promotion, digital marketing, social networks, communication internal and events, French and international press relations, and finally management of the Rankings. Last year, his field of activity expanded and also involved Business Development with commercial responsibility for French initial training programs (PGE, Bachelor Digital, etc.). At the same time, she is involved in the “GEM Société à Mission” strategic project.

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Appointment of Annelaure Oudinot as director of the PGE of Grenoble EM

In July 2022, Annelaure Oudinot was appointed director of the Grande École Program at Grenoble EM. Reporting to the Director of Programs, she will be responsible for the proper functioning of the program and will have to guarantee its performance (attractiveness, ranking, integration and student satisfaction).

Its missions will cover the following four areas:

  • The general strategy of the program,
  • The organization and management of the course,
  • The relationship with program stakeholders (current students, parents, partners)
  • Recruitment and external promotion.

Read also: GEM launches a new specialization in geopolitics.

Message from Jean-François Fiorina

Jean-François Fiorina, DGA and Director of Grenoble Programs is delighted with this news: “ His knowledge of higher education, management schools and their challenges, rankings, GEM’s PGE, his networks, his service and business culture, as well as his ability to manage teams and projects will be all assets. for this position with multiple challenges: advent of hybrid teaching, taking into account current reforms (prepa, competition), integration of the 5 commitments of GEM Société à Mission in the curriculum, new international modalities, and finally creation of new innovative services to students. »

Read also: Grenoble EM launches two double degrees with Sciences Po Grenoble!

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