Jakarta, Selular.ID – Apple raising application prices in a number of countries is not new.
Because previously, on the grounds of currency exchange rates in a number of countries including Indonesia, it did not only impact the price increase for Apple products such as the iPhone. and iPad. In fact, Apple has also increased the selling price of applications in the App store.
It was reported gto5mac, Apple has just announced that it will increase the price of paid applications on the App Store, in a number of countries in the world, namely Brazil, Colombia, India, Russia, South Africa, and Indonesia.
“In the next few days, the price of applications and in-app purchases (excluding auto-renewable subscriptions) on the App Store will increase,” wrote Apple.
Apple explained that the pricing reflects the imposition of digital transaction taxes on countries, such as India and Indonesia.
In Indonesia, there is a 10 percent tax that is applied to all foreign developers who appear on the App Store.
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The price increase was not only for the application, but also for the subscription feature in the application (in-app). “When currency exchange rates change, sometimes we have to update prices on the App Store,” explained Apple in a message to developers.
Changes also apply to paid content within the application, aka in-app. That is, if you subscribe to an application. Apple explained that it would not interfere with the subscription system by directly cutting off access to the services used. Instead, the company will send an email to in-app subscribers to inform them of the price increase.