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Application phase for the Konrad Duden Journalist Prize started

Konrad Duden Journalist Award: The 2022 award winners (Photo: Presseclub Niederrhein)

Wesel. For young journalists

Good content, told in the correct language in an impressive and inspiring way – these are the basic requirements for a successful performance in the Konrad Duden Journalist Prize. Whether in print, online, radio or television. Until July 15, 2023, young journalists can submit their work to the Niederrhein Press Club for the prize, which is advertised nationwide and is endowed with 3,500 euros. Contributions published in German between June 30, 2021 and June 30, 2023 are eligible. The three best entries will be presented at the award ceremony on January 6th, 2024 in Wesel. The winners of the young talent award will only be announced on site. The high quality of the award-winning contributions has repeatedly attracted a great deal of media attention for years.

Three award winners

The prize, which is awarded every two years, recognizes outstanding linguistic reporting. The city of Wesel, together with the Lower Rhine Press Club, honors three young editors with a prize in honor of Konrad Duden, the spelling guru who was born in Wesel. It is important to deal with the German language in an exceptionally lively manner and not to neglect an understandable presentation of the topic. The aim of the prize is to sensitize young journalists to the responsibility they have for stylistically good and understandable German.

Conditions of Participation

Freelance or full-time journalists who were no older than 35 at the time of publication of their submitted work or who were in their tenth year of work can take part. According to the motto “Everything is possible, nothing must” no journalistic style and no medium is excluded from the Konrad-Duden-Journalistenpreis. Reports are just as welcome as comments – regardless of whether they are in print, on the internet, on the radio or on television.

However, only contributions that have not yet won a journalistic prize will be accepted. Only one entry can be submitted per applicant.

Renowned jury

The jury for the prize is excellent: with Sigrid Baum (Jury Chairperson, Presseclub Niederrhein), Jonas Breng (prize winner 2022), Tim Harpers (Chief Regional Editor of the Rheinische Post), Markus Helmich (Managing Director of the Presseclub Niederrhein), Ralf Kubbernuß ( Member of the NRZ editor-in-chief), Andreas Müller, (Managing Director of the newspaper publishing house in Aachen), Steffi Neu (presenter at the WDR), Xaver Oehmen (prize winner 2012), Karen Schneider (director of the Konrad-Duden-Gymnasium Wesel), Dr. Nicole Weiffen (Head of Press at Dudenverlag) and Ulrike Westkamp (Mayor of the City of Wesel).

Detailed tender documents and further information are available below www.wesel.de/journalistenpreis to disposal.

To sue

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