Home » today » News » Applicants for agro-ecological and biological interventions apply for support by September 30 – 2024-09-11 14:36:30

Applicants for agro-ecological and biological interventions apply for support by September 30 – 2024-09-11 14:36:30

DF “Agriculture” indicates what documents are required under the 5 interventions

Until September 30, farmers, candidates for agroecological and biological interventions for Campaign 2024, submit the required information in the Electronic Services System (ESS). documents in accordance with the amendments to Regulation No. 10 of 27.06.2023 (“State Gazette”, No. 63 of 2024, in force from 26.07.2024) and Regulation No. 9 of 26.06.2023 (“State Gazette “, No. 46 of 31.05.2024, in force from 31.05.2024).

⦁ For the intervention “Encouraging the use of crops and varieties resistant to climatic conditions”, under operation No. 1 “Growing of resistant varieties with plant protection products approved for use in organic production” (SCKU) and operation No. 2 “Promoting the cultivation of resistant varieties” (SKKU-2), the following documents apply:

  • Copies of the official documents for purchased certified and/or standard seeds and/or planting material, according to cost norms per unit area (per ha);
  • Plan-program for carrying out the intervention activities – “Guidelines for the preparation of the plan”;
  • For permanent plantations declared as created in previous years, a copy of a document issued by IASAS is attached. It confirms that the claimed variety is at risk of genetic erosion and is present on the agricultural plot;
  • For perennial crops, a copy of a document issued by an agronomist is also attached. The document guarantees that the plantations have not passed their fruiting period, according to the Ordinance on the base prices of permanent plantations;

⦁ For the intervention “Conservation of endangered local varieties important for agriculture” (SZM) apply:

  • Copies of the official documents for purchased certified and/or standard seeds and/or planting material, according to the cost norms per unit of area (per ha);
  • For permanent plantations declared as established in previous years, a copy of a document issued by IASAS is attached. The document confirms that the claimed variety is at risk of genetic erosion and is present on the agricultural plot;
  • For permanent plantings, a copy of a document issued by an agronomist certifying that they have not passed their fruiting period, according to the Ordinance on the base prices of permanent plantings, is also attached;

⦁ For the intervention “Restoration and maintenance of degraded pasture areas” a sowing plan prepared by an agronomist and approved by specialists in the management of permanent grass areas is required. The specialists must be from the Agricultural University – Plovdiv and/or Agricultural Academy – Institute of Mountain Animal Breeding and Agriculture – Troyan and/or Institute of Forage Crops – Pleven. Attached to the documents are the diplomas of the agronomist who certified the plan, as well as of the listed specialists. “Guidelines for the preparation of the plan”.

⦁ For the operation “Commitments to provide the pollination service by moving and temporarily deploying bee families (mobile beekeeping)” from the intervention “Promoting natural pollination”, a handover protocol for providing a pollination service is provided.

⦁ For the operation “Payments for the maintenance of organic crop production” from the intervention “Organic crop production”, the plots that are in the infancy period are noted, by attaching a document issued by an agronomist proving that the plots are in the infancy period, as well as a copy of the diploma of the agronomist.

Entering data and providing supporting documents is mandatory only for beneficiaries who have applied for assistance under any of the listed interventions.

Applicants under operation SKKU and intervention SZM, who have proved that the areas with perennial crops applied for support in the previous year are of an endangered variety and that they are existing (they have provided a document issued by IASAS) do not need to submit supporting documents again. These applicants submit documents through the SEU for the 2024 campaign only if they have newly applied areas and/or a change in crop or variety.

For the convenience of applicants, “Instructions” have been prepared on how to fill in their data in the SEU and how to provide the required documents for interventions for which they have applied.

Those applications with the final status “Pending manual loading in ISAK” are considered to be successfully submitted documents.

After the expiration of the legally regulated terms, farmers will not be able to enter data and attach documents to the SEU.

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