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Apple’s triscaidecaphobia: What if the iPhone 13 did not exist for fear of bad luck?

Triscaidecaphobia. It is said of the irrational fear of the number 13. Simple superstition, for some, a nightmare, for many others. In Spain does not exist the DNI 00000013, the Royal Family gave Infanta Cristina the 14th when it corresponded to the thirteenth number (Juan Carlos I has the 10, Sofia the 11, the Infanta Elena the 12 …), airlines such as Iberia or Emirates skip row 13, while Tolkien asked Gandalf for one more dwarf in his novel The Hobbit seeing that it had thirteen protagonists. Well, the last of these beliefs in bad luck could lead Apple to change its next iPhone, according to the sequence they have always carried out, on the 13th and theories are already emerging that the multinational will take out the iPhone 12S, 2021 or directly the iPhone 14.

It does not seem that the superstitions go with Apple, that to his last operating system christened it IOS 13 or that when he had to take out the iPhone 4 he did not understand the bad luck that exists in some Asian countries with the fourth number. However, doubts are already growing as to whether he will have the courage to baptize his thirteenth mobile device with 13.

This has been assured Jon Prosser, one of the largest content leakers Apple, giving free rein to the theories that the new iPhone that will be presented this 2021 will be on 12S or directly on the 14th to later follow the line as if nothing had happened.


Lacking a name, what is beginning to be known is the characteristics that it will have, although according to several ideas does not seem to be very different from its predecessor. Thus, there will continue to be four models with different inches (Mini: 5.4; Normal and Pro: 6.1; Pro Max: 6.7) and an angled design the same as that of the 12 of 2020.

In addition, the screens will arrive with OLED panels, Apple’s advanced facial recognition will be maintained and the Touch ID fingerprint reader could return, while according to Prosser it is possible that the storage approaches the longed for 1TB.

The biggest innovation could come in the first iPhone without ports and with a wireless charging

A few tweaks that could be nothing if the great change is finally confirmed, the arrival of a mobile without ports. Before the universal charger threat, There are many theories that lead to think that Apple will end its ports and could put a wireless charging system, in the Smart Connector style of the iPad.

Characteristics that little by little are known while speculations continue about what will finally be the name chosen by the technology company. IPhone 12S, iPhone 2021, iPhone 14 or defying bad luck with the iPhone 13? Worse could be a presentation on Friday the 13th (only August has this date in 2021).

The first rumors about the iPhone 13 (or 2021)


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