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Apple’s Next CEO: Who Will Succeed Tim Cook According to Bloomberg

Tim Cook turns 64 this year. He has led Apple since 2011. He has no plans to leave the company anytime soon, but his retirement is inevitable. Therefore, Apple’s board of directors is looking for a successor, reports Bloomberg.

The first likely candidate is Apple COO Jeff Williams. If Cook leaves, he will lead the company.

But Williams turns 61 this year, making it unlikely that he will be CEO for a long time. Apple’s board of directors wants the new CEO to stay in office for at least 10 years, like Cook and Jobs.

So, John Ternus, Apple’s senior vice president of hardware engineering, is the most likely successor to Tim Cook. In recent years, his work has become more visible inside and outside of Apple.

Ternus is recommended by Tim Cook, Eddie Cue and many other Apple employees.

I like Tim a lot because he can give a good presentation, he is very calm, he doesn’t say anything controversial in emails and he is very reserved in his decisions. He has many management qualities like Tim.

Source Bloomberg

Christopher Stringer, a former business designer at Apple who worked at the company for 22 years, said that Ternus is “a reliable person” who “has never failed in any situation he has been put in.” in.”

Another important factor is the age of Ternus. He is 49 years old. Tim Cook will lead Apple for “at least three more years,” so Ternus has a better chance of becoming the new CEO than other senior managers.

Craig Federighi and Deirdre O’Brien are Cook’s “unlikely” fans. Phil Schiller and Dan Riccio will disappear quickly from Apple. [Bloomberg]

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Tim Cook turns 64 this year. He has led Apple since 2011. He has no plans to leave the company anytime soon, but his retirement is inevitable. Therefore, Apple’s board of directors is looking for a successor, Bloomberg reports. The first likely candidate is Apple COO Jeff Williams. If Cook leaves, he will lead the company. But Williams in this…

2024-05-09 07:19:00
#Named #successor #Tim #Cook #CEO #Apple

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