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Apple’s anti-tracking hurts social media, with billions of dollars

Apple’s anti-tracking, in place on iPhone since iOS 14.5, is hurting social networks so much that the shortfall is $ 9.85 billion in the second half of 2021. This concerns Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter and YouTube according to data from Lotame.

When Apple really hurts social networks

With Apple’s Anti-Tracking, users with iPhones can accept or deny a particular app tracks them. If opted out, apps can still display ads, but the ads will be less relevant because there won’t be any identifiable information about the user. All of this has an impact on the advertising market.

Facebook is the social network that has criticized Apple’s decision the most. The group even went to great lengths by publishing an advertisement in the biggest American newspapers. This annoyance can be explained today. According to Financial Times, Facebook has lost the most money in absolute terms compared to other social networks due to its massive size. At the same time, Snapchat has been roughed up because its advertising is mostly related to smartphones. Others (Facebook, Twitter and YouTube) can also earn money with access from a computer.

Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook COO, said the changes to the iPhone meant that “The targeting accuracy of our ads was decreasing, which increased the cost of delivering results for our advertisers. And measuring these results has become more difficult ”.

For his part, Eric Seufert, a consultant specializing in online advertising, believes that Facebook has indeed suffered with Apple’s new policy. He believes that Apple’s system is forcing social networks to completely rethink their mechanism. “I think it takes at least a year to create a new infrastructure. New tools and frameworks must be developed from scratch and thoroughly tested before being deployed to large numbers of users ”.

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