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Apple Watch Series 6 – what’s new?

As previously reported on the site Since the beginning of this year I have been in overdrive with my health, not only the physical, but also the mental. One of the things that was still missing in my new lifestyle at the moment was a device that could help me with this. Recently that has been the Apple Watch Series 6 become. But what’s new compared to the predecessor?

Very briefly, the Series 6 has remained largely the same on paper as the Series 5. The design of the clock is the same, although a number of extra dials have been added with WatchOS 7. The big new feature of the smartwatch is a new blood oxygen meter on the back. In addition, the Series 6 has an even faster chip than the predecessor and the display is brighter when it is in the always-on mode. Is it a negative thing that there are so few novelties? Not necessarily, because Apple is building on the already sublime Series 5 that, among other things, introduced the aforementioned always-on display on the Apple Watch.

What is new in the design are the Solo Loop straps that consist of one piece and that you put on your wrist like an elastic band. However, like the other clock-sized bands, these are not exclusive to this particular generation of Apple Watch, allowing you to use previous bands, or the Solo Loops on your older Watch. The Series 6 we received had a stylish special edition Black Unity strap in the colors of the African flag, so I can’t say if the Solo Loops are comfortable.

It is stated that the Series 6 has a faster chip, but in daily use I noticed quite little of this compared to the predecessor I was able to test earlier. Apps open quickly and you can quickly switch between them, but that was already the case with the Series 5. The new blood saturation meter is a nice addition, although it is not one that is of interest to everyone.
The battery, on the other hand, is a selling point as far as I’m concerned, because it lasts me for a day and a half (even with several training sessions a day) and fully charges within an hour and a half. A bit faster again than with the Series 5.


Few parties manage to get away with a completely new device with only such a minimal upgrade for the general consumer.

You could almost say that Apple has slightly cut its fingers by bringing such a good smartwatch to the market with the Series 5, which even a few years after its release is still the leader in the field. So if you already have a Series 5, I would think a few times before considering an upgrade.

Long story short: is the blood oxygen meter a must in your smartwatch for you? No? Then it’s best to wait another year until the next one. If you wear a Series 3 (not yet for sale) on your wrist, it is more than worth the upgrade due to the faster chip and improvements since then.

Recommended apps

A smartwatch is of course quite sparse in terms of functions without apps, so I have some tips from my side for apps that you should definitely not miss on your Watch.

Nike Run Club

As far as I’m concerned, the king of running apps. Not very surprising, because giant Nike has a lot of money to throw at such an app without even noticing it. The support is top notch and the different options from exercises to audio training are of a high level.

The app also feels like a premium experience on the Watch, which is something many other smartwatch apps can’t say. Often such apps feel like a minimized representation of the smartphone app and while that is of course the case here too, this is masked well.


What you do in terms of exercise is important, but 70-80 percent of weight loss/muscle building/weight gain takes place in the kitchen. Lifesum is more than just a calorie counter, but it is also full of healthy recipes to help you reach your desired goal. It is also keto and vegan friendly. For me as a vegan it is often more difficult to find dishes that fit my sports lifestyle, so a solution.

Lifesum is not only there for weight loss, but can also be used if you want to gain weight or stay the same. If you really want to get the most out of the app, I do recommend taking out a subscription to the service, which unlocks the entire package.


Your physical health is only a small part of the total picture, as far as I’m concerned it all starts with your mental health. The AppleWatch already has an integrated reminder for breathing exercises, but if you want to take it a step further, I recommend Headspace. With short breathing exercises and meditations I can also isolate myself during the working day if it gets a little too hectic.

If you want to use the total package, there is a subscription that you can take out, but with the free version you also get various exercises to lend you a hand.

Marc de Haas

Apple Watch Series 6 – what's new?

Apple Watch Series 6 – what's new?

Apple Watch Series 6 – what's new?

Apple Watch Series 6 – what's new?

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