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Apple Watch saved teacher’s life

Apple Watch saved a life. First reported by local news outlet WMUR, William Rogers, a tech school teacher, went ice skating on the Salmon Falls River in Somersworth on Sunday. It turned into a tragic event as the ice broke under its weight and fell into the icy river.

When he realized he was entering the river, Rogers explained that he had been running around for a while to get out of the ice, but the ice continued to break and he was unable to lift his weight.
A few more minutes in the ice would kill him. But at this point he realized that he had to stay calm and think about possible ways out of the situation. That’s when he thought of using his Apple Watch to call for help while he was already having trouble breathing in cold water. He called 911 using the SOS feature on the watch. Rogers was immediately taken out of the ice by the rescuers and hospitalized. After the ecstatic man was rescued, he said, “It worked. I think it saved my life, ”he said.
Apple Watch series models include many life-saving features such as a heart rate monitor, ECG, fall detection and a feature that allows users to call emergency services when necessary.
We’ve heard stories of these life-saving features over and over. In January of this year, the story of a British cyclist rescued after calling for help with an Apple Watch in a flood river in the UK has also emerged. According to the report, the cyclist was carried by the water stream about a mile below the fast Wye River. He managed to grab a branch from the water’s edge and use his Apple Watch to seek help. Stories like this are enough to celebrate Apple’s success.

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