Home » today » Technology » Apple warns of cybercrime if EU forces it to accept software outside the App Store – Época Negócios

Apple warns of cybercrime if EU forces it to accept software outside the App Store – Época Negócios

Apple has published an analysis of threats that could arise as a result of unlocking the ecosystem of apps it created around the App Store (Photo: Pexels)

A Apple this Wednesday raised criticisms against a proposed regulation of the European Union that forces the company to allow users to install software from outside the company. App Store. The company says this exposes users of its devices to the risk of cybercrime.

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The company has been a fierce critic of competition defense commissioner Margrethe Vestager’s proposal, announced last year to curb the power of the company and other US giants like Amazon, Facebook and Alphabet.

In response, Apple has published an analysis of threats that could arise as a result of unlocking the ecosystem of apps Apple has built around the App Store.

“If Apple is forced to accept so-called ‘sideloading’, more harmful apps will reach users because it will be easier for criminals to target them,” the company’s survey said.

Apple’s study cites numbers from digital security service provider Kaspersky Lab, which show that nearly 6 million attacks a month affect Android devices, Alphabet’s operating system.

Vestager’s proposal needs to be approved by parliamentarians and EU countries before it enters into force, something expected probably in 2023.

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