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Apple Warns Against Putting iPhone in Bag of Rice, Citing Risk of Damage


Putting your device in a bag of rice ‘could allow small particles of rice to damage your iPhone’, the company warned

No Matter How Your Phone Gets Wet, Don’t Use Rice: Apple

No matter how your phone gets soaked – you’re caught in a downpour, you drop it in the bath, or you fall in a pool – perhaps the best-known folk remedy is to put the device in a bag of rice. The dry, absorbent rice should help suck out the moisture, rescuing your device, so the theory goes. However, Apple is officially warning that this is a bad idea.

According to a recent support note spotted by Macworld, Apple stated that putting your iPhone in a bag of rice could actually allow small particles of rice to damage the device. Testing has also shown that uncooked rice is not particularly effective at drying the device.

While the use of rice as a remedy has been suggested by panicked phone users for years, experts have long pointed out the inefficiency of this method. Apple’s official warning now adds weight to their advice.

If you face a situation where your iPhone gets wet, Apple recommends the following steps:

  • First, unplug the charging cable at both ends.
  • Tap the phone gently against your hand with the connector facing down to remove excess liquid.
  • Leave it to dry for at least half an hour.
  • If the phone and cable are completely dry, try charging the device again. If it fails, attempt charging a day later.

Apple also included additional warnings against using external heat sources or compressed air to dry the phone, as well as advice against inserting foreign objects into the connector. It’s important to refrain from pressing any buttons if your phone isn’t functioning, and if your phone remains unresponsive, it is recommended to dry it with a towel and place it in an airtight container packed with silica packets, if available.

Although modern iPhones are generally water-resistant, water accidents can happen unexpectedly. Make sure to familiarize yourself with proper water damage handling to prevent any irreversible damage to your device.

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