JAKARTA – Apple today announced that the Apple Vision Pro ecosystem has reached a new milestone, with the visionOS App Store featuring more than 2,500 native space apps.
That’s up from the 2,000 VisionOS apps Apple reported in June. In addition to the native app, there are also 1.5 million apps for compatible iPhones and iPads, which can run in floating windows on that device.
While the number of native apps is still much lower than other Apple platforms, this figure is comparable to the MetaQuest ecosystem. Finally, the Search app store featured around 3,000 apps, most of them in the form of games.
Vision Pro’s latest flagship app launches include Zen: Focus Garden and streaming service Tubi. Disney+ recently launched a new National Geographic environment to enjoy, and Paramount+ is introducing the SpongeBob environment to celebrate its 25th anniversary.
Apple is also continuing to update Apple Immersive Video content. The second episode of the Wild Life series will be released at 6:00 a.m. PT, featuring a group of orphaned elephants in footage at the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya.
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