When Apple announced its Vision Pro mixed reality glasses in early June, it wasn’t clear when exactly they might be released, only the first half of 2024 was predicted. It is also emphasized that initially this device will be available to a very limited circle of interested parties. The latest forecasts show that the “Vision Pro” glasses could go on sale at the beginning of 2024.
The latest report from Bloomberg indicates that the new Apple glasses could reach the first users in February, which is earlier than previous forecasts, when their release was planned for March. It is also reported that Apple has increased production capacity in China in recent weeks, so that the devices will be ready by the end of January and hit store shelves in about a month.
In addition, Apple has sent an email to developers inviting them to try out its Vision Pro glasses apps with the latest tools, which is said to be another indication of the device’s imminent release.
The latest estimates suggest that 400,000 units of the Apple Vision Pro glasses, which will be offered in multiple configurations, could be available at launch. The price of the device will be 3,499 dollars, but it is rumored that “Apple” could also release cheaper smart glasses that would cost between 1,500 and 2,500 dollars.
2023-12-22 09:00:00
#Apple #Vision #Pro #mixed #reality #glasses #sale #February