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Apple Updates App Store Review Policy to Address Privacy Concerns

Apple updated itsApp Store Review Policywhen developers use specific API resources in App design, they must specify the specific reasons for using these APIs.

In this update, Apple marked some of the APIs involved in verifying the identity of users by fingerprints as requiring detailed explanations before they can be used. The actual approach is obviously to prevent those who want to use these APIs to record users’ operating habits in the App, or is used to track user profile data.

This update will officially take effect from the spring of 2024, and developers will have enough time to make adjustments or submit applications from now on. If Apple believes that the App content does not need to use a specific API during the review process, but the developer cannot explain why it needs to be used, it will refuse to allow the App to be put on the shelves.

Prior to this, many malicious apps pretended to be tools or content services to attract users to download, but during the use process, users were required to allow access to resources such as cameras and contacts, obviously to steal more user privacy content, so let Apple has decided to convert certain APIs that involve access to users’ personal privacy to the requirement that there must be a reasonable reason to use them.

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