Home » Technology » Apple to Release Software Update for iPhone 12 in France Following Radiation Concerns

Apple to Release Software Update for iPhone 12 in France Following Radiation Concerns

JawaPos.com – Apple has announced that they will release an update or update software or software for iPhone 12 users in France. This is Apple’s response after the country’s radiation watchdog raised concerns about the device’s emissions.

“We will issue a software update for users in France to accommodate the protocols used by French regulators. We hope that the iPhone 12 will continue to be available in France,” Apple said in a statement, quoted Saturday (16/9).

The French National Frequency Agency (ANFR) stated that tests showed the iPhone 12 emits electromagnetic waves. The problem is that the radiation the agency found in the iPhone 12 was above European standards.

Therefore, ANFR ordered Apple to stop selling the model in France and resolve the issue within two weeks or face a recall.

Apple itself disputes ANFR’s findings, saying that the iPhone 12 is safe and has been certified in countries around the world. However, the company has agreed to issue a software update to address concerns raised by French regulators.

The software update is expected to be released in the coming weeks. It’s not yet clear what specific changes the update will bring, but it will likely involve adjusting how the iPhone 12 handles radio waves.

French regulator ANFR said it would test the software update to see if there was a difference in the electromagnetic waves emitted by the devices. If so, the regulator said it would bring the model into compliance with European standards and lift the marketing recall order.

Radiation concerns around the iPhone 12 have also raised concerns in other European countries. Belgium, Germany and Italy said they were reviewing the situation. It’s possible that other countries will also require Apple to issue software updates for the iPhone 12.

Apple itself has phased out production of the iPhone 12, which was released in 2020. The company announced the launch of its new iPhone 15 on Tuesday, and the iPhone 12 is no longer on sale.

However, as reported MacRumorsthe software update will be available to all iPhone 12 users in France, regardless of when they purchased their device.
2023-09-16 14:35:00
#Overcoming #iPhone #Radiation #Problem #France #Apple #Prepares #Latest #Software #Update #Jawa #Pos

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