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Apple to end autocorrect frustration with AI detection of swearing

Apple is set to make a change to its autocorrect feature that will come as a relief to iPhone users everywhere. The tech company has announced that it will no longer automatically change the word “f**king” to “ducking” when users make a typo. The new feature will use artificial intelligence (AI) to detect when an expletive is being used, rather than substituting a different word.

Apple’s software boss, Craig Federighi, made the announcement at the company’s developers’ conference in California. He said that the keyboard would “learn” when users intended to use the word and that it would no longer be automatically replaced by autocorrect.

The feature has been a source of frustration for iPhone users, who have complained about having to rewrite their messages because autocorrect has changed what they meant to say. In fact, the phrase “damn you autocorrect” has become an acronym, a meme, and even a song.

The change to the autocorrect function will be made possible by the use of a transformer model, which learns context by tracking relationships in data, such as the words in a sentence. Transformers are a type of AI model that has become increasingly popular in recent years, with autosuggest systems starting to use them more frequently.

The autocorrect change will be part of the iOS 17 operating system upgrades, which are expected to be available as a public beta in July, with the general release in September. The change will also affect iPadOS 17.

In addition to the autocorrect news, Apple also unveiled its latest product, the Apple Vision Pro, an augmented reality headset that blends the real and virtual worlds. The price of the headset will be $3,499 (£2,849), and it will be available in the first quarter of 2024.

Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, said that the headset would allow users to “seamlessly” switch between the real and virtual worlds. The headset is part of Apple’s ongoing efforts to develop products that integrate augmented and virtual reality.

Apple’s market valuation reached just under $3 trillion earlier this week, making it the first US company to reach the milestone. The company’s ongoing strategy of developing new products and improving existing features seems to be paying off, with investors expecting further growth in the coming years.

In conclusion, Apple’s decision to stop automatically correcting the word “f****ng” is likely to be very popular among iPhone users, who have long complained about the feature. The use of AI to detect context shows the increasing sophistication of machines and their ability to understand language. The announcement of the Apple Vision Pro is further proof that Apple is continuing to invest in cutting-edge technology and to stay at the forefront of the tech industry.

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