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Apple Studio Display having trouble updating firmware

For those who have purchased the latest Apple Studio Display, it is possible that you are also experiencing some problems installing the latest firmware update. Several users are confirming that the firmware is not installing correctly on the system in the latest update.

From the company forums there are more than fifty users which confirm that with the release of the latest firmware update for Apple Studio Display, it does not get installed. When users try to update the same, only a message appears informing that the update cannot be installed and to try later.

Some users managed to install the update through “tricks”, which in this case involves using an alternative external monitor, turning off the Apple Studio Display from the system, to allow the firmware update. Once the update is complete, Apple Studio Display can be turned back on normally.

However, this doesn’t seem to work on all systems, and so far Apple has not commented on the case. It is important to note, however, that this is not the only issue that has been identified with the Apple Studio Display.

Shortly after its launch, several users reported that the webcam present in it had a lower quality than expected, something that the company ended up correcting in subsequent updates.

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