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Apple Store on Leidseplein closed due to high corona figures

The Apple Store on Leidseplein will be closed for the next few days due to the high corona figures in the city. It is unknown how long the store will remain closed.

According to the site One More Thing , who has seen the store’s internal communications, the store will be closed for ten days from last Friday. There would also be a staff shortage, because Apple employees have to remain in home isolation for ten days after complaints, a positive test or contact with an infected person. That is much stricter than the statutory five days.Against RTL News the tech giant confirms that the shutdown is a result of the “current COVID-19 conditions.”

On the site From the store it can be seen that the store will be closed for at least this whole week. The shops in Haarlem and The Hague will remain open for the time being: the infection rates in those cities are lower than in Amsterdam.

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