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“Apple Settles Lawsuit with Rivos Over Trade Secret Theft”

Apple Settles Lawsuit with Rivos Over Trade Secret Theft

In a recent development, Apple has reached a settlement agreement with Rivos, a System on a Chip (SoC) company that it sued in 2022 for the theft of trade secrets. According to Bloomberg, Rivos has agreed to undergo a forensic examination of its systems to remove any confidential information belonging to Apple.

The legal battle began when Rivos hired more than 40 employees from Apple, including several former high-ranking engineers. This prompted Apple to file a lawsuit in May 2022, accusing Rivos of poaching employees and stealing chip trade secrets through these individuals. Rivos is currently working on designing SoCs that would directly compete with Apple’s A-series and M-series chips.

Apple alleged that at least two engineers hired by Rivos took “gigabytes of sensitive SoC specifications and design files” during their last few days at Apple. These employees reportedly used USB drives and AirDrop to transfer sensitive Apple material to their personal devices, including presentations on unreleased SoCs.

To address the issue, Apple sought an injunction against the employees who joined Rivos to prevent them from further leaking sensitive data. Additionally, Apple sought compensation for the loss caused by trade secret misappropriation and Rivos’ “unjust enrichment” at Apple’s expense. Apple also requested a “reasonable royalty rate” from Rivos on future products and had initially requested a jury trial.

Both Rivos and Apple are now working towards finalizing their settlement by March 15. They are currently going through the remediation process to resolve the matter amicably.

This settlement marks an important step for both companies involved. It allows Apple to protect its intellectual property and prevent further unauthorized use of its trade secrets. On the other hand, Rivos can now focus on developing its own SoCs without the legal burden and potential reputational damage associated with the lawsuit.

Apple’s decision to take legal action against Rivos demonstrates its commitment to safeguarding its technological advancements and maintaining a competitive edge in the market. By holding Rivos accountable for the alleged theft of trade secrets, Apple sends a clear message that it will not tolerate any infringement on its intellectual property rights.

As the settlement process continues, it remains to be seen how this resolution will impact the future of both companies. Apple will likely continue to invest in research and development to stay ahead in the highly competitive semiconductor industry. Meanwhile, Rivos will need to rebuild its reputation and regain the trust of potential customers and partners.

In conclusion, the settlement between Apple and Rivos brings an end to a legal dispute that arose from allegations of trade secret theft. While Apple sought compensation and an injunction against the employees who joined Rivos, both companies are now working towards resolving the matter through a remediation process. This settlement highlights Apple’s commitment to protecting its intellectual property and maintaining its competitive position in the market.


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