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Apple Rumored to Release First Foldable Tablet in 2025: What We Know

Apple is said to be working hard on the first device with a flexible display
It’s not supposed to be a smartphone, but a foldable tablet
The launch is reportedly planned for 2025

Smartphones with flexible displays are nothing exotic these days – they are offered by several manufacturers, of which Samsung is clearly playing the first violin, whose jigsaw puzzles reached the fifth generation this year. For now, Apple remains behind, which has not yet decided to step into the waters of folding devices, but there are rumors that they are planning something in Cupertino.

Unveiling a foldable iPad as early as next year?

Apple is known for not jumping headlong into new technologies, rather quietly waiting to see what the competition comes up with and then figuring out how to perfect that product. This was the case with smartphones, tablets, watches, wireless headphones or virtual reality, and it will undoubtedly be the case with flexible devices as well. They have been with us for several years, so it is highly likely that they have been flirting with them in Cupertino for some time. But when do they decide to go to market with the skin?

According to DigiTimes, the development of Apple’s first flexible device is in an intensive phase. The Californian company is said to be working with several suppliers to start producing its first jigsaw in small volumes either at the end of next year or at the beginning of the year after next.

Surprisingly, Apple does not plan to launch a flexible smartphone first, but rather a tablet. The choice for a larger device was allegedly made because iPads are sold in an order of magnitude less, so any problems would not have to hurt Apple so much. The design of the first flexible iPad is said not to be complete yet, among other things, because there has been a change in the development team. The current one is said to be figuring out how to achieve higher design efficiency in order to reduce costs, which is said to bring with it questionable design changes.

Concerns arise especially from flexible displays, which are soft, and there is a risk of permanent deformation, especially with such a large area. Apple, together with the manufacturers of flexible displays Samsung and LG, is looking for ways to minimize all deformations with the help of all kinds of design solutions. In addition, in Cupertino, they are thinking about the design of the hinge, which is to be composed of as few parts as possible, so that its mass production is as simple as possible, and thus also cheaper.

The DigiTimes server predicts that mass production of the first flexible iPad could begin in 2025, but two things must be noted. First of all, the speculated date is quite far away, so it can be postponed at any time. And secondly, DigiTimes certainly does not have a built-up reputation as a source that can be trusted without limit – in the past, many of its predictions have failed, so you need to take all the above information with a large margin.

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Author of the article

Jakub Karásek

A fan of mobile technology, convertibles and wireless charging, a fan of hard music and a lover of fast driving in go-karts, bikes and skis. Opponent of FUP, slow internet and overgrown smartphones.

2023-10-18 18:30:00
#Apple #working #hard #puzzle #show #year

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