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Apple rules tablets. It leaves no chance to Samsung or China

Is it a surprise? Apple has been ruling the tablet segment for as long as we can remember. Although the numbers are no longer what they were a few years ago, the American brand is still number one among consumers, with the competition getting stronger and stronger. Neither Samsung nor China are enough for it.

The tablet boom came with Covid-19, but then they went into a steep decline as the market simply became saturated, perhaps even oversaturated. But that is changing and tablets are once again gaining traction, as Apple’s financial results for the second quarter of this year also prove. Even though it lost overall market share, it sold more units, so that’s still a success.

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Thanks for the iPad Pro and Air

The market has grown from 28.2 million units sold in Q2 2023 to 2023 million units sold between April and June of this year. Everyone in the top five has done well. Apple but it holds a nice 35.8% share of the global pie. Last year it was 37%. Quarterly iPad shipments managed to grow from 10.4 million to 12.3 million, and there is no need to guess who is to blame. Last year Apple in fact did not introduce a single new iPad, this year it is scoring points with new products in the Air and Pro series.


The second place worldwide is occupied by Samsung, with a share of 20.1%. It has not presented any new products this year (if we do not count the slightly updated Galaxy Tab S6 Lite (2024)), but last year it managed to market 7 new models. In total, it sold 6.9 million units, compared to 5.8 million in the same period last year. It grew even more like that Apple, by 18.6%, for Apple it was 18.2% over a year.

Then it’s China’s turn. Specifically, Lenovo is third in the ranking with a 7.3% share, Huawei is fourth with a 6.8% share, and Xiaomi is fifth with a 5.8% share. The latter manufacturer was able to achieve an incredible 94.7% growth year-on-year.

What’s next? There’s a lot to look forward to!

We expect Apple to present a new generation of iPad mini and the base model in the fall. Samsung, on the other hand, will offer the high-end portfolio of the Galaxy Tab S10 series. Boredom is certainly not necessary and the tablet market seems interesting to the customer again, even if many have already buried this segment. After all, many have also announced that the role of the iPad in Apple’s portfolio will indeed be taken over by the Vision platform (which is still not excluded). But tablets will certainly survive with us for another year or so.

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