Apple has recently released a new feature called Stolen Device Protection for iPhone users. This security measure, which was previewed last month, is now available to all iPhone users through the iOS 17.3 update. The purpose of this feature is to protect users from phone thieves who have gained access to a device’s passcode, thus potentially compromising the user’s personal information.
According to a spokesperson from Apple, the Stolen Device Protection feature was developed in response to the evolving threats faced by user devices. The feature adds an extra layer of security when using an iPhone away from familiar locations such as home or work. Its main function is to require Face or Touch ID authentication for certain phone features, ensuring that only the owner of the device can access them.
One of the key benefits of this feature is that it prevents someone who has stolen an iPhone and knows the passcode from making critical changes to the user’s account or device. For example, Face ID or Touch ID authentication is required to access wallet and stored passwords, making a passcode alone insufficient. This measure effectively prevents thieves from impersonating the owner and using their stored passwords or making unauthorized purchases using saved payment methods.
Additionally, Stolen Device Protection mode activates a one-hour delay if an unauthorized individual attempts to change the Apple ID password. This delay is designed to give the user enough time to mark their device as lost and ensure the security of their Apple account.
Activating Stolen Device Protection is highly recommended for all iPhone users. By doing so, they can prevent thieves from accessing their Keychain, which stores passwords and other sensitive information. Furthermore, it blocks fraudsters from using saved payment methods for unauthorized purchases. The additional authentication required to turn off “Lost Mode” and erase settings adds another layer of security, ensuring that these features do not fall into the wrong hands.
To activate Stolen Device Protection mode, users can follow a simple process. First, they need to click on the “Settings” tile on their iPhone. Then, they should scroll down to the “Face ID & Passcode” section and enter their passcode. Finally, they can toggle the “Stolen Device Protection” option on.
In conclusion, Apple’s new Stolen Device Protection feature provides iPhone users with enhanced security against phone thieves. By requiring Face or Touch ID authentication for certain phone features, it ensures that only the device’s owner can access sensitive information and perform critical operations. Activating this feature is highly recommended to prevent unauthorized access to personal data and protect against fraudulent activities.