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Apple released iOS 13.5 Golden Master

Despite the traditional day of the release of fresh beta versions for Apple is Tuesday, sometimes, if the update is not ready, the company may postpone its launch on Wednesday. Nobody knows what exactly this is connected with, but Cupertino has been following this rule for many years and try not to back down from it. However, today can be considered special because it was today, on Monday, that Apple released the final beta build iOS 13.5, which is called Golden Master.

iOS 13.5 GM is almost a release. Even the assembly is the same

Стэнфордский университет хочет научить Apple Watch определять коронавирус

The main innovation of iOS 13.5 is the system tracking patients with coronavirus. It is a special mechanism that activates the Bluetooth Low Energy and makes it send a signal in a certain radius. This signal is picked up by smartphones of users passing by, and if one of them lingers next to another for more than 5 minutes, the meeting will be recorded and information about it will be saved on the devices it meets. Subsequently, if one of them becomes infected with a coronavirus and reports this to a special application, the second will receive a notification about the need take tests for COVID-19.

Coronavirus Application

Applications where coronavirus patients can report their diagnosis will create power

Applications, where you can report on your diagnosis, will be different for each country. They will be developed by local health authorities or governments. True, you need to understand that they do not obey Apple. Therefore, there is no guarantee that, for example, the Russian Ministry of Health will agree to spend financial and human resources on creating an application that, in the view of the majority, serves the sole purpose of providing Apple itself with information about the status and movements of users.

What’s New in iOS 13.5

In addition to the tracking system, in iOS 13.5 you will find several more significant innovations:

  • Face ID will learn to recognize the mask on the user’s face and instead of unsuccessful attempts to unlock it, it will immediately open the password entry screen;
  • FaceTime has a new mechanism, which in group calls will highlight a window with a user who is speaking at the moment so that others understand who should be listened to;
  • The ability to automatically send a virtual medical card to health authorities in case of emergency (available only in the USA);
  • Fixed a bug due to which users could see a black screen when trying to play streaming video on some sites;
  • Fixed an issue where all the icons in the “Share” menu could disappear with the WhatsApp application installed.

Врачи объяснили, почему система слежки за больными коронавирусом от Apple бесполезна

Face ID has learned to work in a pandemic, which pleases

Since the Golden Master version of the update, as a rule, has exactly the same composition as the release build, it is obvious that Apple has already completed all the necessary tests. Therefore, I could assume that this is the reason why the company did not update on Tuesday, but on Monday. Just the final version, most likely, will be available for download to all users, without exception, tomorrow. This would be quite appropriate, given that in April Apple announced that it would launch a tracking system for patients with coronavirus in mid-May.

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