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Apple is a brutal tyrant

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Apple » Spotify Legal Adviser: Apple is a brutal bully

Spotify continues to clearly express its dissatisfaction with its unwilling partner and sharpest competitor in its core business, Apple: Its chief legal advisor renewed his conviction that Spotify suffered from disingenuous and hypocritical business practices from Apple. The core of the allegations is the 30% commission in the App Store.

The appeals in the Apple vs. Epic process have been held, now all observers are waiting eagerly for the verdict to be pronounced. In the meantime, the players on the sidelines who were not involved, but were very much affected by the negotiated issue, are taking their position: Horacio Gutierrez, responsible for all legal issues at Spotify, had already expressed his conviction that Apple was strangling with its App Store -Practice all competitors, Apfelpage.de reported. Now he renews and clarifies his statements in conversation with The Verge: Apple invented some of the greatest products ever, Gutierrez first made it clear, but that shouldn’t hide the worrying downside of Apple.

Apple is an unscrupulous bully

Although he generally values ​​Apple products very much, it remains a fact that Apple has another, dark and heartless side. Spotify experienced Apple as a brutal partner who ruthlessly exploited its dominance to disadvantage competitors. The light figure Steve Jobs gave Apple a radiant image that still has an impact on many, the Spotify man continues. Gutierrez also accuses Apple of dishonest hypocrisy: He does not believe the company what its lawyers tried to suggest in the process, namely that many managers in responsible positions at Apple simply do not know how much money is being made with the App Store. Attempts have been made to give the impression that Apple’s operation of the app store is not primarily about money, billions of dollars are being made with this ecosystem and that it is clearly the intention of the app store policy to encourage users to access the platform to bind and prevent their departure to Android, for example. This was clearly shown at various points during the negotiation, according to the Spotify manager, who was referring to the internal discussions about iMessage, reported Apfelpage.de. It actually showed that – although some strategists at the time disagreed – iMessage was designed by Apple in such a way that it should be made more difficult for users to leave the Apple platform.

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