Home » today » Business » Apple fined 8 million euros in France for personalized ads – Tablets and phones – News

Apple fined 8 million euros in France for personalized ads – Tablets and phones – News

Apple should never have gone into advertising, it’s risking its entire business. Apple must put the user’s (reputation) first at all costs. I forgive him so fast.

It’s so bad, we’re talking about one of the richest and most successful companies in the world and that’s still not enough. More money needs to be made and preferably as soon as possible, regardless of the consequences.

One of the reasons I hate big companies is that they always do at one point or another. Our market always expects growth (and there’s nothing wrong with that) but growth is difficult. The theory is that the free market forces competing companies to innovate. It just doesn’t work that way in practice. Innovation is terribly expensive, and there are other ways for these companies to make (more) money for their shareholders. For example, using their power to block potential competitors from entering the market or simply to buy or otherwise eliminate them.
Good for the shareholders, but not for the company.

Not that these big companies never make, invent, or invent something new, but innovation is not the main driver. This was somewhat bearable when products were sold directly to end users, but increasingly the user is not the one who pays.
The real customer is the advertiser, sponsor, employer or rental company. Their interests are considered. The user is the cash cow and the user’s interests are a problem to work around.

You see innovation especially when there is no other option, no matter how sad it may sound.

[Reactie gewijzigd door CAPSLOCK2000 op 5 januari 2023 20:38]

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