<애플이 오는 17일 애플펜슬 3세대를 선보일 것이라는 전망이 나왔다. 사진=트위터 Majin Bu>
It is predicted that Apple will introduce the 3rd generation Apple Pencil on the 17th. If the Apple Pencil is released, it will be five years after the second generation was released in 2018.
According to MacRumors, an Apple media outlet, on the 15th (local time), Japanese Apple blogger Mac Otakara said that Apple is expected to announce the release of the 3rd generation Apple Pencil this week.
Previously, several IT media outlets predicted that the next-generation iPad Air, mini, and entry-level iPad models would be released this week.
However, Mac Okatara cited IT tipster Majin Bu’s Twitter on the 30th of last month and said that there is a high possibility that the 3rd generation Apple Pencil will be released.
Margin Boo released an expected rendering image of the 3rd generation Apple Pencil through Twitter. He continued, “The 3rd generation Apple Pencil features replaceable magnetic tips for drawing, technical drawing, and digital painting.”
Meanwhile, Apple first introduced the Apple Pencil in November 2015, and has not yet released the next-generation Apple Pencil since releasing the second generation in October 2018.
Electronic Newspaper Internet Reporter Wonji Lee [email protected]