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Apple executives tout new developer tools in interview – EzAnime.net

Two Apple executives have sat down with CNET to discuss the company’s new development tools and frameworks announced at WWDC.

Of the report:

Tools that make app building more accessible remain a key focus for Apple, especially in relation to advancements in Swift Playgrounds. “Our feeling is that all children should be exposed to learning to code, not because all children will become coders, but because the world around us is code-driven,” Prescott said. “We are going to help as many people as we can in as many areas of life as possible, from as many communities and cultures as possible, to learn to code.”

Wendker told CNET that the tools were the result of a vision that Apple had been executing for years and were “the result of a never-ending focus on our side to build durable platforms that create a lot of value for developers and users.”

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They also talked about one of WWDC’s hottest new developer features, Xcode Cloud:

“There are many steps developers must take when developing applications, such as testing and integrating [their code] with your coworkers, and that takes a long time, “Wendker said.” And frankly, many of these tasks are often very mundane and developers don’t want to do them. So the idea behind a continuous integration system like Xcode Cloud is that it basically offloads a lot of these tasks that can be automated in the cloud.

Wendker said Xcode Cloud would give developers a lot of time back, giving them more time to “find bugs and problems in their code.”

You can read the complete interview here.

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