Home » today » Technology » Apple does not intend to turn its back on Thunderbolt, even with the passage of Macs under ARM

Apple does not intend to turn its back on Thunderbolt, even with the passage of Macs under ARM

Apple is preparing to take what will undoubtedly be one of the most important turns in its history. For the third time since the creation of the company, the brand is preparing to change architecture and turn its back on Intel chips… in favor of its own chips.

This changeover will take place over two years and it will of course have serious repercussions on the software, but also on the hardware level.

Photo de Dmitry Chernyshov – Unsplash

Inevitably, at first glance, such a change may cause concern. After all, Intel has some chip know-how. Know-how built on decades of experience.

Apple is not done with the Thunderbolt

However, Apple engineers have also developed skills by working on the SoCs present on the iPhone and iPad. SoCs which, as everyone knows, have absolutely nothing to envy their competitors. Even the best armed.

But beyond this change in architecture, we can also wonder if switching to Apple Silicon chips will not have an impact on the connectivity of our Macs.

In recent years, Apple has indeed bet everything on the Thunderbolt. A technology developed with the help of Intel.

But Apple wants to be reassuring. In a statement sent At The Verge, the firm has indeed indicated that it does not intend to turn its back on the Thunderbolt and that Macs under ARM will also support the technology:

“Over ten years ago, Apple partnered with Intel to design and develop the Thunderbolt, and today our customers appreciate the speed and flexibility that [le connecteur] brings to each Mac. We remain committed to the future of Thunderbolt and will support it on Macs running Apple Silicon. “

Read also : Macs running ARM will not be compatible with Boot Camp

Macs running Apple Silicon will also offer Thunderbolt

Contrary to what many feared, Apple therefore does not intend to turn its back on this standard. And it is certainly a good thing. Intel has indeed recently given new details on the Thunderbolt 4 and it will go even further than the current standard in terms of speeds.

Thanks to this new version, it will be possible in particular for our computers to support an 8K screen, or two 4K screens.

Remember that the first Mac with ARM will land at the end of the year. The full transition will take two years.

Read also : Apple formalizes the passage of Macs under ARM

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