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Apple could owe VirnetX $ 1.1 billion …

New blow to come from Apple? In confrontation with VirnetX since 2011 following a case of patent infringements, Apple could take a hell of a hiss in the coming weeks. Several times the Cupertino company had to sign big checks to the Internet security software and technology company.

We remember in particular the various sanctions of 368 million in 2012, 439 million in 2016 and more than 500 million in 2018. This time, Apple could have damages to pay for a total of $ 1.1 billion.


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Apple could sign huge check to VirnetX

Some people at the Cupertino company must have been struggling to sleep in recent days: while Apple had made a new request for a new trial in the United States with VirnetX, here is the American district judge Robert Schroeder has just delivered its verdict.

According to Reuters, it would have simply refused the various requests of Apple, which would mean that Apple would be under the threat of having to pay a total sum of more than one billion dollars for VPN patents violated. While we thought this battle was definitely buried, this verdict once again relaunches the showdown …


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