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Apple Blocks Access to Beeper Mini, an Android Application That Can Send Messages to iMessage

Liputan6.com, Jakarta – Apple responds to controversial use of Beeper Mini. For your information, Beeper Mini is an Android application developed specifically for sending and receiving iMessage messages.

Collect Apple Insider, Tuesday (12/12/2023), Apple confirmed that it had cut off the Android application’s access to iMessage on the grounds that there was a significant risk to user security and privacy.

The Beeper Mini’s access to the iMessage network was suddenly closed last Friday. This access closure is believed to have been triggered by Apple and the company confirmed this directly.

“We are taking steps to protect users by blocking techniques that exploit fraudulent credentials to gain access to iMessage,” Apple said, as written The Verge.

The iPhone maker added that the technique used by Beeper Mini to send and receive messages from iMessage could pose a risk to user security and privacy.

The risks in question include metadata exposure, unsolicited messages, spam, and phishing attacks.

Although Beeper said it was currently working on improving its Android app, Apple’s statement shows that it is continuing to do so update in the future to protect users. This is also considered to make it difficult for Beeper to remain on the platform.

2023-12-12 00:30:39
#Apple #Blocks #Access #Beeper #Mini #Android #Application #Send #Messages #iMessage

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