Apple missed the mark. Tor Myrhem, senior executive in the marketing department, had to admit this Thursday. He apologized for an ad for the new iPad Pro that Apple CEO Tim Cook ran two days ago rather proudis recommended. Cook captioned the video: “Imagine what can be created with it.”
Apple fans described it less favorably. The video made them think more about what could be destroyed by it. First, a trumpet collapses under the pressure of a hydraulic press. After that, a video game cabinet has to deal with it. To the sounds of ‘All I need is you’ by Sonny and Cher, guitars break and paint pots break. Books, tablet players, lenses – even cute emojis! – pressed irresistibly. When the press opens again, a wafer thin iPad appears. “The most powerful iPad ever is also the thinnest,” the voiceover concludes.
For creative people, it’s a one-minute horror movie. Judging from the reactions, this applies especially to Japanese. Craftsmanship is known to be highly valued in that country. They reject the film en masse. “Musicians love their instruments, design their controllers, and paint their brushes and paint supplies. The video suggests ‘all in one’, but it will only disappoint them,” is a common comment.
The answers show how optimism about Silicon Valley has changed. Did David himself become Goliath? Forty years ago, Apple made marketing history by promising that “1984 will not be ‘1984’”. Television location by director Ridley Scott it was a parody of George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984 and marketing Apple as an underdog that would save us from rival IBM. Today the company is one of the five largest in big technologyand we are slaves to the smartphone. Apple’s latest device, the Vision Pro, is about to drag us up into the metaverse. And now he’s also taking away our beloved creative tools? In fact, Apple has not promised anything about 2024.
2024-05-14 01:00:00
#Apple #commercial #oneminute #horror #movie