Home » today » Business » Appearance of cracks in Sonora and California is terrifying… Could it be the San Andreas fault?

Appearance of cracks in Sonora and California is terrifying… Could it be the San Andreas fault?

Citizens of Hermosillo, Sonorawere alarmed to notice a huge crack of several meters depth and a considerable one widthso they immediately requested support from the authorities locales.

Here we see this crack in the ejido Colonel J. Cruz. I don’t know if CONAFOR (National Forestry Commission) could help us in this unfortunate event, here where the earth is cracking. I don’t know if it is because of the evolution of the earth.“said a resident through a video shared on social networks.

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While the subject evidenced the curious freakmentioned: “Look, here we see how some animals fell into the ditch, it swallowed them up there. It was a bad season and now this.”

So far, and in a way informalit was estimated that the ditch consists of three to four meters of depth.

For its part, José Ismael Minjarez Sosa, head of the Department of Geology of the University of Sonorahe said in an interview for ‘The Impartial’ There are many probable causes of the phenomenon.

However, it is suspected that the crack may have arisen from a tectonic movement or by the overexploitation of aquifers.

When there is a pumping of aguathe spaces that were previously occupied by water become empty and tend to sit down he land“Minjarez explained.

In recent days, reports have emerged of cracks and ditches of considerable size, as well as landslides in Los Angeles, California.

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In need of answers due to the fear and strangeness of the event, residents of the area began to speculate that this was caused by ‘The San Andreas Fault’.


It is one of the most well-known and active faults in the world. It is a fracture in the earth’s crust that extends along up to 1,300 kilometers in California. In addition to marking the boundary between two major tectonic plates: the Pacific and North America.

He is known for producing large and devastating earthquakes. Therefore it is expected that ‘Big One’which is a earthquake that could reach a magnitude of 8, according to forecasts, thus becoming one of the strongest in the history.


– Severe damage to buildings, bridges and other infrastructure.

– Possible fires due to downed power lines.

– Tsunamis in coastal areas.

– Landslides that would block roads and potentially isolate communities.

– Thousands of fatalities.


United States:

– California: San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Oakland, Riverside

→ Mexico:

– Baja California Sur: Mexicali

– Sonora: San Luis Colorado

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