Home » today » World » Appeal of the State Duma of the Russian Federation to the General Assembly of the United Nations, parliaments of the member states of the United Nations as well as to international parliamentary organizations for the lifting of the trade, economic and financial blockade of the Republic of Cuba on the part of the United States of America

Appeal of the State Duma of the Russian Federation to the General Assembly of the United Nations, parliaments of the member states of the United Nations as well as to international parliamentary organizations for the lifting of the trade, economic and financial blockade of the Republic of Cuba on the part of the United States of America

Unofficial translation

State Duma

of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

VII legislative period



to the General Assembly of the United Nations, parliaments of the member states of the United Nations and to international parliamentary organizations for the lifting of the trade, economic and financial blockade of the Republic of Cuba by the United States of America

The State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation addresses the General Assembly of the United Nations and confirms its unalterable position, which was previously set out in various declarations and appeals, according to which the anti-Cuban sanctions campaign, which is carried out on the initiative and under pressure of the USA, decided and is strongly condemned.

In 2019, 187 UN member states supported the resolution of the UN General Assembly and called on the US to end the trade, economic and financial blockade of the Republic of Cuba. The United States of America once again defied this almost unanimous appeal from the international community, which was again confronted with Washington’s explicit refusal to pursue a constructive line in international politics.

The sanctions against Cuba cover many areas of life and have a negative impact on the economic development and prosperity of the island state. The rights and interests of Cuban citizens are restricted. Among other things, the possibility of getting essential medicines and food is artificially blocked. Under the current extraordinary circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this looks like extreme barbarism.

The restrictions against Cuba not only affect people on the island, but also negatively affect international trade. States and businesses are illegally hindered from developing economic ties with Havana and from implementing investment projects on Cuban territory.

In the international relations of the XXI. In the 20th century, a blockade of countries that, due to their commitment to the free choice and development of their own political, social, economic and cultural systems, is an inadmissible anachronism.

The State Duma deputies note with regret that the US’s destructive Cuba policy of recent years has rendered individual successes that had previously emerged on the way to normalizing relations between Washington and Havana worthless. The American leadership took several steps in 2015 and 2016 to change some aspects of the blockade that were highly valued by the international community. However, the restrictive measures against Cuba have been tightened significantly since 2017.

At this point in time, the normalization process for US-Cuban cooperation has ceased. In January 2021, Washington reassigned Cuba to its list of countries it believes support terrorism.

The administration of US President Joe Biden said that the new team in the White House would seriously renew Washington’s foreign policy course. The international community has a legitimate right to expect this to apply in full to relations between the United States and Cuba.

The State Duma deputies plead for the resumption of a constructive and mutually respectful dialogue between Washington and Havana, for an immediate and unconditional renunciation of all forms of sanctioning pressure and call for the normalization of relations between the two neighboring states as soon as possible.

The State Duma notes that Cuba is successfully fighting the COVID-19 pandemic even in the face of tough restrictions. The country developed several of its own vaccines and began mass vaccinating the population. This shows that social policy is the focus of the Cuban government.

Cuba’s people continue to stand up for the interests of their own country with confidence despite the blockade regime. Regardless of external pressure, it defends the freedom and independence of its homeland. As the Cubans overcome numerous difficulties and hardships, they demonstrate their willingness to tirelessly stand up for their legitimate right to sovereignty and self-determined development.

In recognition of the central coordinating role of the United Nations in international relations, the State Duma calls on the General Assembly of the UN, parliaments of the UN member states and international parliamentary organizations to work for an immediate lifting of the trade, economic and financial blockade of the Republic of Cuba by the USA . State Duma deputies propose that concrete measures and practical steps be taken to this end, which would enable Washington’s line of discrimination against a sovereign state to be put to an end.

The State Duma deputies emphasize that nobody has the right to hinder the social and economic development of Cuba and to impose their will on it. This runs counter to the goals and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and contradicts the spirit of equal and mutually beneficial intergovernmental cooperation.

signed Chairman Vyacheslav Volodin

the State Duma

of the Federal Assembly

of the Russian Federation

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