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Apparently, telephoning is out – Text

Are teenagers taciturn?

Voice messages are becoming increasingly popular, telephone calls are becoming out of fashion
Photos: Marie Birkenstock

13.09.2024 / REGION
Nowadays, almost every young person has a cell phone. Whether it’s WhatsApp, Instagram, TikTok or Snapchat, everything can be found on the small device and is used every day. However, cell phones are being used less and less for making phone calls. People prefer to send text or voice messages. But why is that?

We asked young people in Fulda about their communication habits. The respondents agreed: you can take your time when writing, you can edit the message or even delete it. You also have more time to think about text messages: you can think about how you want to express yourself beforehand. “Text messages are much clearer, especially in groups it’s easier to clarify things,” says a 12-year-old.

Communicating with several people at the same time is difficult when on the phone. And verbally, young adults have to react quickly and spontaneously. Many young people are obviously worried about saying something wrong that they can’t take back. Some young people even find it really uncomfortable to talk on the phone. “But when my sister calls, I’m happy to answer,” says 16-year-old Annika. But many young people are busy with a lot of things and have stressful lives. That is certainly one of the reasons why it is difficult to find a time to talk on the phone.

Voice conveys moods

But of course there are exceptions to this rule, the cell phone is used for text and voice messages as well as for making phone calls. “Of course it depends on the person: some people prefer a personal conversation via face-time and others use the cell phone for a short or long message,” says 19-year-old Leonie. “Especially when it’s about something that needs to be clarified quickly, making phone calls is advantageous in order to hopefully get a quicker answer,” says 17-year-old Matilda.

Text messages are also very popular among the older generation. But some people are happy to talk on the phone for three or four hours if it is convenient. Emotions can also be conveyed much better over the phone. In text messages, which usually last longer than a short phone call, statements can quickly be misunderstood, especially if they are meant to be ironic.

The number of personal phone calls among young people is clearly declining. Many avoid face-to-face conversations or phone calls. In the long term, this could become a major problem. In the workplace or among friends, personal conversations are unavoidable. (Marie Birkenstock)+++

“It depends on who is calling,” said these respondents

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